
Man vs wild vs survivorman
Man vs wild vs survivorman

man vs wild vs survivorman

I have trained with the Seals and Green Berets in Panama and on land, in the jungle, the Green Berets are much superior.Īs far as Bear is concerned, he indicated in a show last weekend that his parachute fall happened when he was 21, he then climbed Everest when he was 23.

man vs wild vs survivorman

But, they are portrayed as supermen in the movies, and they are not. No other service in the world can touch them. Navy Seals are the real deal in the water. Don't let his show fool you he is no dummy and I find a lot of useful things on his show. everest when he was 23 years old, and is a bad ***. Suvivorman is a Canadian Musician, and "BEAR" they don't call him bear for nothing, is EX-SAS which is British Special forces and the only other special forces in the world more badass then the SAS would be the Navy Seals, and the Russian Spetznas. someone is going or allready did get hurt taking advice from man vs bloated entertainment industry.oh sorry. atleast survivorman is believable and solo.if they got in a fight against one another survivor man would beat him senseless and live of his corpse for weeks. the dude in man vs wild showed us that you should climb a 40 foot tree in the jungle to get a better look around, real smart, that show is a joke. every situation is diffrent but the goal is to get found and not get hurt witch i think is displayed more in survivorman. Man vs Wild pretty much shows you what not to do. This, and the fact that he is just a total beast in general, puts my favorite on Man Vs. For instance in the Alaska episode, he is surviving for at least 11 days. Bear has to get out of wherever the heck they dropped him. (For instance, falling in a frozen lake, or a crevasse) AND, Les stroud only has to survive for 7 days, then he gets picked up by his buddies. He shows you what to do if something really bad happens. Next, who cares about rappelling? Give me 5 minutes to teach you how, and I bet you could easily rappel as far as Bear did. This is the "vessel" that he drains the water into. OK, First off, Bear uses a canteen that has a removable metal bottom. Sorry but my two cents, let me get down off my soapbox by rappelling. go hire someone to run "continuity" checks on your show, fictional movies can afford it so can you. it's stuff like that, that proves his show and him are crap! He onnly had the three items he said he had going down the rope. my only question is WHERE DID THE METAL BILLY TIN COME FROM TO BOIL THE WATER !?! he magicly explains HWO to purify the water to drink.Oh! - How you ask? Why by boiling it kids, everyone knows that to purify water you boil it. so he very cleverly fills up his shirt and drains the water in to a vessel. of course having taught climbing for 2 years - zzzzzz) Anyway, on the way down the rope he has. the oping shot has him standing on the edge of a chopper, and he quite manly raps off the skid down to the ground. Wild show tonight where skippy goes thru the Flordia EverGlades.

Man vs wild vs survivorman